Thursday, November 15, 2007

Why Am I Here?!?

Coming upon this Holiday season I felt a small void in my life. I needed a cause, an outlet. So here I am. I'm not sure if my purpose is to help others, or maybe myself - hopefully both! By no means am I a guru about healthy living and I am sure I will be learning a lot as I go. I'll be sure to post my new findings and discoveries!

Part of my quest has its roots in my son. Around 6-months of age he was diagnosed with a wheat allergy (which we hope he will soon outgrow) and I had to cut all wheat and gluten products out of my diet. Around this same time my husband was reading "The Omnivore's Dilenma". The two events seemed to coincide and in strange ways parallel each other.

For the past 20 or so years I was a consumer. I simply consumed what I ate without much thought. Sure, I tried to eat healthy and well-balanced meals, but I never really thought about food -- where it came from, how it was treated, its impact on the environment. But thanks to my husbands ravenous appetite for books I began to really think about food and all it entails.

So, I hope you enjoy the journey and you learn something along the way.

1 comment:

It's Just Me said...

Great site. Congratulations!